Template:Evaporator Vapour Entrainment and HX Options

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|- | colspan="3" font style="background: #ebebeb" | Vapour Entrainment |- | FlashVapToLiquid || Input || This field allows the user to set a proportion of the flash vapour bypassing to the liquid stream. The default is 0%. |- | OtherGasToLiquid || Input || This field allows the user to set a proportion of any non-condensable gas bypassing to the liquid stream. The default is 0%. |- | colspan="3" font style="background: #ebebeb" | Evaporator Heat Exchanger Options |- | valign="top" rowspan="4" | HXType || None || The unit is not connected to a Heat Exchanger. No other fields are visible for the Heat Exchanger if this option is chosen. |- | External || The Evaporator is connected to an External Heat Exchanger unit. This external unit may be any type of SysCAD model. |- | Embedded Heater|| The Evaporator contains an Embedded Heater. If this option is chosen, an additional page HX becomes visible and the user configures the Heat Exchanger within the Evaporator. |- | Embedded Cooler || The Evaporator contains an Embedded Cooler. If this option is chosen, an additional page HX becomes visible and the user configures the Heat Exchanger within the Evaporator. |- | HX.HeaterCount / NumOfHeaters|| Input || The number of heaters. |- | valign="top" rowspan="7" | HXOut.SplitMethod || Off || No flow is sent to the Heat Exchanger. |- | Ratio to Feed MassFlow || The flow to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) is a Ratio of the Feed mass. The composition and temperature of the stream to the Heat Exchanger is the same as the Combined Feed to the Evaluation Block. |- | Ratio to Prod MassFlow || The flow to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) is a Ratio of the Product mass. The composition and temperature of the stream to the Heat Exchanger is the same as the Product from the Evaluation Block. Note: The Product mass includes both the Overflow and the Product streams. |- | MassFlow || The flow to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) is a fixed mass flow. The composition and temperature of the stream to the Heat Exchanger is the same as the Product from the Evaluation Block. Note: The Product mass includes both the Overflow and the Product streams. |- | VolumeFlow || The flow to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) is a fixed volumetric flow. The composition and temperature of the stream to the Heat Exchanger is the same as the Product from the Evaluation Block. Note: The Product mass includes both the Overflow and the Product streams. |- | MassFlow Per Heater || The flow to each Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) is mass based. The composition and temperature of the stream to the Heat Exchanger is the same as the Product from the Evaluation Block. Note: The Product mass includes both the Overflow and the Product streams. |- | VolumeFlow Per Heater || The flow to each Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) is volume based. The composition and temperature of the stream to the Heat Exchanger is the same as the Product from the Evaluation Block. Note: The Product mass includes both the Overflow and the Product streams. |- | HXOut.RatioToFeedQm || Input || Only visible if SplitMethod = Ratio to Feed MassFlow. The flow to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) is Feed Flow times by this Ratio. |- | HXOut.RatioToProdQm || Input || Only visible if SplitMethod = Ratio to Prod MassFlow. The flow to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) is Product Flow times by this Ratio. Note: The Product mass includes both the Overflow and the Product streams. |- | HXOut.MassFlowReqd / QmReqd || Input || Only visible if SplitMethod = MassFlow. The required Product mass flow to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External). |- | HXOut.VolumeFlowReqd / QvReqd || Input || Only visible if SplitMethod = VolumeFlow. The required Product volumetric flow to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External). |- | HXOut.EachHeaterQmReqd || Input || Only visible if SplitMethod = MassFlow per Heater. The required Product mass flow to each Heater (either Embedded or External). |- | HXOut.EachHeaterQvReqd || Input || Only visible if SplitMethod = VolumeFlow per Heater. The required Product volumetric flow to each Heater (either Embedded or External). |- | valign="top" rowspan="3" | HXOut.SolidFracMethod || No Solids|| No solids are sent to the Heat Exchanger. |- | Mixture Solids || The feed to the Heat Exchanger (either Embedded or External) will contain the same amount of solids (if any) as the relevant stream (Combined Feed to or Product from the Evaluation Block). |- | Solids Fraction || The user can specify the fraction of solids in the feed to the Heat Exchanger. |- | HXOut.SolidFracReqd || Input || The required solids fraction in the feed to the Heat Exchanger. |- | colspan="3" font style="background: #ebebeb" | Options |- | VapStandardSpModel || Tickbox || This forces the vent stream to revert to the Standard species model. If this is NOT ticked, then the species model in the vent will be the same as the species model used in the Evaporator.
Normally this is left ticked, as the vent contains steam and the Standard species model will calculate all of the properties of steam correctly. |- | ShowQFeed || Tick Box || QFeed and associated tab pages (e.g. Qm) will become visible if this is enabled. These tabs will show the properties of the combined feed stream to the Unit. These values are BEFORE the Evaluation Block is processed. |- | ShowQBodyFeed || Tick Box || QBodyFeed and associated tab pages (e.g. Qm) will become visible if this is enabled. These tabs will show the properties of the feed to the Evaporator Body. |- | ShowQRecycle || Tickbox || This is only visible if an Embedded Heat Exchanger is used. If this option is ticked then the recycle stream to the Heat Exchanger is displayed as 'QRecycle' and the user may access properties of the stream feeding the Heat Exchanger. |- | ShowQProd || Tick Box || QProd and associated tab pages (e.g. Qm) will become visible if this is enabled. These tabs will show the properties of the product stream from the Unit, AFTER the Evaluation Block is processed, but BEFORE the stream is split to overflow and product. |}