Template:Common Content Data on TCE Pages
| SpeciesName || || The Species:Long or Short button is used to change the display of the Species names between the Short form, the Chemical compound, or the longer species names.
| Zeros ||
|| If the Hide Zeros button is clicked, all species that have NO mass flow will be hidden.
If the Show Zeros button is clicked, all species will be displayed, including those with zero mass flow.
| StreamView|| || If the Mass button is clicked, the species will be shown in mass flow view.
If the Mole button is clicked, the species will be shown in mole flow view.
|rowspan=4|Stream || Mass || Copy stream contents to clipboard, mass basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard.
| Mole || Copy stream contents to clipboard, mole basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard.
| Unmapped Mass || Copy unmapped stream contents to clipboard, mass basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. Unmapped species are those which will not be mapped to the exiting SysCAD stream.
| Unmapped Mole || Copy unmapped stream contents to clipboard, mole basis, for pasting into Excel. If Zeros is set to hide, zero values will not be copied to the clipboard. Unmapped species are those which will not be mapped to the exiting SysCAD stream.
| colspan="3" font style="background: #ebebeb" | (The following tables display the mass/moles, mass/mole fraction of the individual species.)
(Each table (one for each phase) has the following columns (one row for each species):)
| Mass / M || style="background: #ebebeb"| Display || Visible when StreamView = Mass. The {{{masstype}}} of the {{{speciesstreamtype}}}.
| MassFrac / Mf || style="background: #ebebeb"| Display || Visible when StreamView = Mass. The {{{masstype}}} fraction of the {{{speciesstreamtype}}}.
| PhaseMassFrac / IPh:Mf || style="background: #ebebeb"| Display ||Visible when StreamView = Mass. The {{{masstype}}} fraction of the species in the displayed phase.
| Moles / Ml || style="background: #ebebeb"| Display ||Visible when StreamView = Mole. The {{{moletype}}}s of the {{{speciesstreamtype}}}.
| MoleFrac / Mlf || style="background: #ebebeb"| Display ||Visible when StreamView = Mole. The {{{moletype}}} fraction of the {{{speciesstreamtype}}}.
| PhaseMoleFrac / IPh:Mlf || style="background: #ebebeb"| Display ||Visible when StreamView = Mole. The {{{moletype}}} fraction of the species in the displayed phase.