Heap Leach - Optional Data Sections

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Heap Leach Heap Leach - Optional Data Sections

Available from Build 139.32925.

LayersCfg Tab Page

Only displayed if OverallLayerDefn is NOT enabled.

Tag / Symbol Input/ Calc Description
(the following input fields are shown in a table with separate rows for each layer)
CapacityMass / CapMass Input The total mass capacity for the specific layer.
VapCapVol Input Only displayed if WithVapours option is ticked on the HeapLeach tab. The total vapour volume capacity for the specific layer.
Fixed.T Input Only displayed if UseFixedT option is ticked on the HeapLeach tab. The fixed temperature for the specific layer.
LiqHoldUp.Min Input Minimum Liquid Holdup: The minimum amount of liquid required before liquid starts to flow to the next layer. The flow rate will then be "LiqDrain.MinQm".
LiqHoldUp.Oper Input Operating Liquid Holdup: This defines the holdup condition at which the liquid flows at the maximum drain flow rate, "LiqDrain.MaxQm".
LiqHoldUp.Max Input Maximum Liquid Holdup: The maximum amount of liquid that can accumulate in a layer.
LiqDrain.MinQm Input Only visible if the 'Massflow' Liquid Drain Method is chosen. The minimum mass flow rate of liquids from the specific layer provided that other conditions are met.
LiqDrain.MaxQm Input Only visible if the 'Massflow' Liquid Drain Method is chosen. The maximum mass flow rate of liquids from the specific layer.
LiqDrain.MinQv Input Only visible if the 'Volumeflow' Liquid Drain Method is chosen. The minimum volumetric flow rate of liquids from the specific layer provided that other conditions are met.
LiqDrain.MaxQv Input Only visible if the 'Volumeflow' Liquid Drain Method is chosen. The maximum volumetric flow rate of liquids from the specific layer.
LiqDrain.ReqdSolFrac / ReqdSf Input Only visible if the 'Massflow' or 'Volumeflow' Liquid Drain Methods are chosen. The required fraction of solids in the specific layer.
(the following input fields are shown in a table with separate rows for each layer)
Side.ReqdEvapQm Input Flow of water lost due to evaporation from the specific layer.
BulkDensity / BulkDens Input Only visible if the 'Fixed override' bulk density method is chosen on the HeapLeach tab. The bulk density of the solid material in the specific layer.
BulkDensityFactor / BulkFactor Input Only visible if the 'Factor' bulk density method is chosen. The fraction of free space or voidage around the solid material in the specific layer.
Feed.ChannelMethod / FdChanMeth None With this method no channelling of liquid occurs. Liquid moves from one layer to the next.
Exit With this method a predefined fraction of liquid exits from the specific layer and directly reports to the product.
One Layer With this method a predefined fraction of liquid can channel down one layer and re-enter the next.
Multi Prop With this method a predefined fraction of liquid can channel down from the specific layer and re-enter a predefined number of layers below. The amount of liquid re-entering each layer is based on a fraction proportional to the number of layers.
Multi Equal With this method a predefined fraction of liquid can channel down from the specific layer and re-enter a predefined number of layers below. The amount of liquid re-entering all the predefined layers below are equal.
Feed.ChannelFrac / FdChanFrac Input/Display Only visible if the 'Feed.ChannelMethod' selected is anything other than 'None'. The fraction of feed channelling to the next layer.
Feed.ChannelMaxLayers / FdChanMax Input/Display Only visible if the 'Feed.ChannelMethod' selected is anything other than 'None'. Number of feed layers down. Is an input field if 'Multi Prop' or 'Multi Equal' are selected for the 'Feed.ChannelMethod'.
Total.CapacityMass Display The total capacity of the heap as a mass.

VLayers Tab Page

Only displayed if WithVapours is enabled.

Tag / Symbol Input/ Calc Description
Vapour layers (all 100% Vap)
(the following fields are shown in a table with separate rows for each layer)
FdVentFrac Input Only displayed if OverallLayerDefn is not ticked. The fraction of vapours to be vented from the layer.
FdChannelFrac Input Only displayed if OverallLayerDefn is not ticked. The fraction of vapours which channel (bypass) to the next layer.
ReqdLeakQm Input Only displayed if OverallLayerDefn is not ticked. The mass flow rate of vapours which leak (are lost) from a layer.
TotalMass / Mt Display The mass of vapours in a specific layer
TotalVol / Vt Display Volume of vapours in a specific layer.
FeedQm Display The mass flow of vapours flowing through the layer.
VentQm Display The mass flow of vapours venting from the layer (exiting from the layer).
Temp / T Display The temperature of the vapours in the specific layer.
VLayerTotal.TotalMass / Mt Display Total vapour mass content in the heap.
VLayerTotal.TotalVol / Vt Display Total vapour volume in the heap.

Geom Tab Page

Only displayed if a Geometry method other than None is selected and the ShowGeometry option is enabled.

Tag / Symbol Input/ Calc Description
(the following fields are shown in a table with separate rows for each layer)
SolidMass / SMt Display Mass of solids shown by layer.
SolidVol / SVt Display Volume of solids shown by layer.
BulkVol / BulkVt Display Bulk volume shown by layer.
BulkDens Display Bulk density shown by layer.
Width Input Visible if "Geometry.Method" is set to 'By Layer'. Width of the specific layer.
Length Input Visible if "Geometry.Method" is set to 'By Layer'. Length of the specific layer.
(the following fields are shown in a table with separate rows for each layer)
Thickness Display Layer thickness.
TopHeight Display Accummulated thickness.
TopPerim Display Layer perimeter, measured at the top of the specific layer.
TopArea Display Layer area, measured at the top of the specific layer.
SideArea Display Side area for the specific layer.

Meas Tab Page

Only displayed if the CalcUserMeasurements and ShowUserMeasurements options are enabled.

Tag / Symbol Input/ Calc Description
Measurements for Layer Contents Only
MeasXX Display Only visible if the 'MeasCount' on Global tab page is set greater than 0. The value of the measurement (MeasXX) is displayed by layer.
The measurement is defined on the Global tab page.

SolChange Tab Page

Only displayed if the CalcSolidsChange and ShowSolidsChange options are enabled.

Tag / Symbol Input/ Calc Description
Hide / Show Zeros Button Hide Zeros.png Show Zeros.png Show or hide species with a value of zero.
ResetInitMasses Button ResetInitMasses.png Reset the initial masses used in calculations on this page.
Overall changes in masses of solid species
(the following fields are shown in a table with separate rows for each solid species)
InitMass Display The initial overall mass of the relevant solid species.
Mass Display The overall mass of the relevant solid species.
RemainFrac Display The fraction of the initial overall mass of the relevant solid species that remains overall, (Mass / InitMass).
Note: If InitMass = 0, then RemainFrac = 0.
DeltaMass Display The overall change in mass of the relevant solid species, (Mass - InitMass).
DeltaFrac Display The overall fractional change in mass for the relevant solids species from initial, (DeltaMass / InitMass).
If InitMass and DeltaMass = 0, then DeltaFrac = 0.
If InitMass = 0 and DeltaMass > 0 (i.e. Mass > 0), then DeltaFrac = 100%.
Layer X changes in masses of solid species
(the following fields are shown in a table with separate rows for each solid species)
InitMass Display The initial mass of the relevant solid species in the relevant layer.
Mass Display The mass of the relevant solid species in the relevant layer.
RemainFrac Display The fraction of the initial mass of the relevant solid species that remains in the relevant layer, (Mass / InitMass).
Note: If InitMass = 0, then RemainFrac = 0.
DeltaMass Display The change in mass of the relevant solid species in the relevant layer, (Mass - InitMass).
DeltaFrac Display The fractional change in mass for the relevant solids species from initial in the relevant layer, (DeltaMass / InitMass).
If InitMass and DeltaMass = 0, then DeltaFrac = 0.
If InitMass = 0 and DeltaMass > 0 (i.e. Mass > 0), then DeltaFrac = 100%.

RBCont Tab Page

Only displayed if the AllRB.Control option is enabled.

Tag / Symbol Input/ Calc Description
WarnWhenInvalidEqn Tickbox If enabled, will give warnings in messages window if there is an error in the definition of an equation and the extent is not set.
ShowCalculatedExtents Tickbox If enabled, will show the extents of all reactions being set by the RB Control logic in each layer, on the RBExt tab page.
AllExtentsZero Tickbox If enabled, will set extents of all reactions to zero.
SetAllTimePeriod Tickbox If enabled, will allow the user to set a single time period for all reactions.
TimePeriod Input Only visible if SetAllTimePeriod is enabled. The time period for all reaction extents.
RBControl.RX... (for each reaction)
(the following options are available for any reaction using the Dynamic Fraction extent type)
ExtentOverride None No extent override method chosen. Extent can be set via RB page for each layer in the usual way.
Zero Extent is set to zero in all layers.
Fixed Extent is a fixed value. This will apply to all layers.
(1 Term)
Extent is calculated from a rate equation which includes a rate constant and one measurement raised to a user defined power.
Rate = k1*Meas1^n1
(2 Terms)
Extent is calculated from a rate equation which includes a rate constant and two measurements raised to user defined powers.
Rate = k1*Meas1^n1*Meas2^n2
(3 Terms)
Extent is calculated from a rate equation which includes a rate constant and three measurements raised to user defined powers.
Rate = k1*Meas1^n1*Meas2^n2*Meas3^n3
(1 Term)
Extent is calculated from a rate equation which includes a rate constant with an Arrhenius term, and one measurement raised to a user defined power.
Rate = k1*e^((-E/RT)+k2)*Meas1^n1
(2 Terms)
Extent is calculated from a rate equation which includes a rate constant with an Arrhenius term, and two measurements raised to user defined powers.
Rate = k1*e^((-E/RT)+k2)*Meas1^n1*Meas2^n2
(3 Terms)
Extent is calculated from a rate equation which includes a rate constant with an Arrhenius term, and three measurements raised to user defined powers.
Rate = k1*e^((-E/RT)+k2)*Meas1^n1*Meas2^n2*Meas3^n3
Equation3 Extent is calculated from a rate equation which includes a rate constant multiplied by the difference between a user defined value and a measurement.
Rate = k1*(Val-Meas1)
Equation4 Extent is calculated from a rate equation which includes a rate constant multiplied by the difference between a measurement and the minimum of that same measurement and another measurement, all divided by a third measurement.
Rate = k1*(Meas1-min(Meas1,Meas2))/Meas3
Langmuir Extent is calculated by quadratic solution for Langmuir equation to find equilibrium based on the Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm method. q=qmax(KC/(1+KC). To achieve Langmuir equilibrium for the simulation time step, the TimePeriod should be set equal to the time step.
FracForTimePeriod Input Only visible if Fixed Extent Override method is chosen. The fixed value of the extent.
k1 Input Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is NOT None, Zero or Fixed. A constant in the rate equation. For the Langmuir method, this is the K value.
k2 Input Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is any of the Equation 2 methods. A constant in the Equation 2 rate equation. For the Langmuir method, this is the qmax value.
E Input Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is any of the Equation 2 methods. The activation energy in kJ/kmol used in the Equation 2 rate equation.
Measurement1 List Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is NOT None,Zero or Fixed. Select the desired measurement from the list of all measurements defined on the Global tab page.
For the Langmuir method, this must be set to the metal concentration in the liquid phase.
n1 Input Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is any of the Equation 1 or Equation 2 methods. The power to which the Measurement1 term is raised in the rate equation.
Measurement2 List Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is Equation 4, Langmuir or any of the two or three term Equation 1 or Equation 2 methods. Select the desired measurement from the list of all measurements defined on the Global tab page.
For the Langmuir method, this must be set to the total moles adsorbed to the resin.
n2 Input Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is any of the two or three term Equation 1 or Equation 2 methods. The power to which the Measurement2 term is raised in the rate equation.
Measurement3 List Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is Equation 4, Langmuir or any the three term Equation 1 or Equation 2 methods. Select the desired measurement from the list of all measurements defined on the Global tab page.
For the Langmuir method, this must be set to the total resin mass.
n3 Input Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is either the Equation 1 (3 terms) or Equation 2 (3 terms) method. The power to which the Measurement3 term is raised in the rate equation.
Val Input Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is the Equation 3 method. A constant in the Equation 3 rate equation.
TimePeriod Input/Display Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is NOT None or Zero. The time period for this reaction extent.
Will be an input field if SetAllTimePeriod is NOT enabled.
ExtentLimitEqn Only visible if the Extent Override method chosen is NOT None or Zero.
Fixed Maximum Extent is limited to a constant value per TimePeriod.
Equation1 Extent is limited by an equation which gradually reduces the extent to zero as a limit to a measured value is approached from below. Extent = CalculatedRate when ExtMeas1 << ExtLimit1. Extent = 0 when ExtMeas1 >> ExtLimit1.
Rate = CalculatedRate*(1-(1/(1+e^((ExtLimit1-ExtMeas1)/ExtSpread1))))
Equation2 Extent is limited by an equation which gradually reduces the extent to zero as a limit to a measured value is approached from above. Extent = CalculatedRate when ExtMeas2 >> ExtLimit2. Extent = 0 when ExtMeas2 << ExtLimit2.
Rate = CalculatedRate*(1/(1+e^((ExtLimit2-ExtMeas2)/ExtSpread2)))
Equations1 and 2 Extent is limited by two equations which each gradually reduce the extent to zero as a limit to a measured value is approached from either direction (as explained for Equation 1 and 2 above). The limit is the quotient of the two equations.
Rate = CalculatedRate*(1-(1/(1+e^((ExtLimit1-ExtMeas1)/ExtSpread1))))*(1/(1+e^((ExtLimit2-ExtMeas2)/ExtSpread2)))
Fixed Max (per Iter) Extent is limited to a constant value per Iteration (one timestep).
Equation3 (per Iter) Extent is limited by an equation with three measurements and a constant.
Maximum Rate = ((ExtVal*ExtMeas1)-ExtMeas2)/ExtMeas3
Note: Maximum is per iteration, not per TimePeriod.
ExtMax Input Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Fixed Maximum or Fixed Max (per Iter). The maximum extent. This restricts the result of any calculation of a rate equation.
ExtLimit1 Input Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Equation1 or Equations1 and 2. The limit term in Equation 1.
ExtSpread1 Input Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Equation1 or Equations1 and 2. The spread term in Equation 1.
ExtMeasurement1 List Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Equation1, Equations1 and 2 or Equation 3 (per Iter). Select the desired measurement from the list of all measurements defined on the Global tab page.
ExtLimit2 Input Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Equation2 or Equations1 and 2. The limit term in Equation 2.
ExtSpread2 Input Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Equation2 or Equations1 and 2. The spread term in Equation 2.
ExtMeasurement2 List Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Equation2, Equations1 and 2 or Equation 3 (per Iter). Select the desired measurement from the list of all measurements defined on the Global tab page.
ExtVal Input Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Equation3 (per Iter). The constant term in Equation 3.
ExtMeasurement3 List Only visible if the ExtentLimitEqn chosen is Equation3 (per Iter). Select the desired measurement from the list of all measurements defined on the Global tab page.
(the following options are available for any reaction using the Final Concentration or Final Fraction extent types)
ExtentOverride None No extent override method chosen. Concentration/fraction can be set via RB page for each layer in the usual way.
Fixed Concentration/fraction is a fixed value. This will apply to all layers.
FinalConc Input Only visible if Fixed Extent Override method is chosen and the extent type for this reaction is Final Concentration. The fixed value of the concentration to be applied to all layers.
FinalFrac Input Only visible if Fixed Extent Override method is chosen and the extent type for this reaction is Final Fraction. The fixed value of the fraction to be applied to all layers.

RBExt Tab Page

Only displayed if the AllRB.Control (HeapLeach tab) and ShowCalculatedExtents (RBCont tab) options are enabled.

Tag / Symbol Input/ Calc Description
Calculated RB Extents
RX Display Only visible if the RB Control logic is used to set reaction extents. The fractional extent for each reaction is displayed by layer.
A '*' means extent has not been set due an error in the equation definition. The extent equation is defined on the RBCont tab page.