Introductory Tutorial - Project Configuration

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IMPORTANT: The videos here supplement the SysCAD Introductory Tutorial located in the install directory at SysCADxxx\Tutorial\SysCADIntroductoryTutorial.pdf (or SysCADBasicTutorial.pdf in earlier versions). Refer to this document for detailed instructions.

Navigation: User Guide ➔ Tutorial ➔ Tutorial Videos ➔ Project Configuration

Section 2
Creating a SysCAD Project
Section 3
Project Configuration and Species Database
Section 4
Access Window and Quick View
Section 5
Chemical Reactions
Section 6
Trend Windows, PID and Ratio Controllers
Section 7
Merging and Modifying Projects
Section 8
General Controllers
Section 9
Makeups and EHX
Section 10
Graphics Window and Bulk Tag Change
Section 11
Excel Reports and Quickview

Latest SysCAD Version: 22 August 2024 - SysCAD 9.3 Build 139.36089

Related Links: Project Configuration (cfg File), Species Database

Section 3 Overview

Please use these videos together with Section 3 of the SysCAD Introductory Tutorial, which is distributed with the SysCAD full install.

All SysCAD projects use the following underlying information:

  • A Species Database: This stores the thermodynamic and physical data of compounds;
  • The Configuration File: This allows the user to configure the following data:
    The minimum and maximum temperature and pressure ranges;
    A suite of unit operations. For example, for material handling projects, where energy balance is not important, a user may choose not to include heat transfer group of models;
    Selection and customised display of compounds used in the project.

In Section 2 we used a pre-defined database and project configuration file (with extension cfg) to create the project. In this module, we will take a look at how to modify these files to include some additional data.

Edit the Project Configuration and the User Species Database

Add a Hard-wired Species to the Project Configuration

  • Section 3.3: This shows you how to add a species with hard-wired data, in this case CO(g), to the Project Configuration.
  • YouTube link (Allows you to watch in Full Screen mode)
  • Build 136.19154

Import a Species from the default Species Database

  • Section 3.3: Shows how to import a species from the Default SysCAD database.
  • YouTube link (Allows you to watch in Full Screen mode)
  • Build 135.13817

Add a New Pseudo Species to the User Species Database

  • Section 3.4: This shows you how to add a new pseudo species, in this case Mud(s), to the User Species Database.
  • YouTube link (Allows you to watch in Full Screen mode)
  • Build 136.19154

Species Database and Properties

View Species Properties

  • Section 3.5: Discusses the View Properties window in SysCAD.
  • YouTube link (Allows you to watch in Full Screen mode)
  • Build 135.13817

Copy SysCAD Species Database

  • Section 3.5: Shows you how to obtain a copy of all of the data in the SysCAD Species Database.
  • YouTube link (Allows you to watch in Full Screen mode)
  • Build 135.13817

Create SysCAD Species Properties Report

  • Section 3.5: Shows how you can produce a Species Properties report based on the data in the Syscad Species Database.
  • YouTube link (Allows you to watch in Full Screen mode)
  • Build 135.13817