Species Calculation Expressions

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Edit ➔ Project Configuration (cfg File) ➔ Calculation Configuration ➔ Species Calculation Expressions

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Calculation Configuration (Summary) User Property Calculations User Property Expressions Species Calculations Species Calculation Expressions

Species Calculation Expressions Table

----- Range Functions -----
If Statement Tests if the expression is true, then returns the true value, if not then returns the false value. If(logical test, value if true, value if false) If(T(K)>373, 100, 0) The result is 100 if stream temperature is greater than 373K, otherwise the result is 0.
Minimum Returns the minimum value of the two variables Min(value or expression, value or expression) Min(T(K), 300) The function will return 300 if T(K) is over 300. This is used to set the maximum value.
Maximum Returns the maximum value of the two variables Max(value or expression, value or expression) Max(0.01, [C_concentration]) The function will return 0.01 if C_Concentration is less than 0.01. This is used to set the minimum value. Typically used to protect division by zero errors.
Range Returns the value between a specified range Range(min, expression, max) Range(0, [Efficiency], 100) The user defined variable Efficiency is ranged between 0 and 100.
----- Maths Functions -----
Exponential e raised to the power of the value of the expression Exp(expression) Exp(2) The result is e^2 = 7.389
Natural Logarithm The natural logarithm of the expression is calculated Ln(expression) Ln(5) The result is Ln 5 = 1.609
Base 10 Logarithm The base 10 logarithm of the expression is calculated Log(expression) Log(10) The result is Log1010 = 1
Squared The result of the expression is squared (raised to power of 2) Sqr(expression) Sqr(3) The result is 3^2 = 3*3 = 9
Square Root The square root of the expression is calculated Sqrt(expression) Sqrt(9) The result is 3.
Absolute Value The absolute value of the expression is returned Abs(expression) Abs(-5) The result is 5.
Sine The sine of the expression is calculated (assumes expression is in radians) Sin(expression) Sin(2) The result is sin 2 = 0.909
Cosine The cosine of the expression is calculated (assumes expression is in radians) Cos(expression) Cos(2) The result is cos 2 = -0.416
Power A term is raised to the specified power. Pow(expression,power factor) Pow(4,3) The result is 4^3 = 4 * 4 * 4 = 64
----- Stream Functions -----
Stream Temperature The stream temperature T(units) T(K) SI Units (K) is returned.
Stream Pressure The stream pressure P(units) P(kPa) SI Units (kPa) is returned.
----- Species Functions -----
Species Flow Flow of individual species [speciesname(phase),T,P] [H2O(g)] This will return the flow/fraction of this individual species, dependent on the view chosen. The Temperature(K) and Pressure(kPa) terms are optional.
Species Molecular Weight Molecular weight of species MW(speciename(phase))
or MW(AxBy)
MW(H2SO4(aq)) (where H2SO4(aq) IS in the configuration file)
MW(Fe1O1) (where FeO is NOT in the configuration file)
If the species is NOT in the project, then the user must specify the elemental breakdown of the species.
Density of Species Density of the selected Species Density(species(phase),T,P) Density(H2O(l),373.15,101.325) This will return the density value of the selected species. The Temperature(K) and Pressure(kPa) terms are optional.
----- Phase Functions -----
Phase Flows The flow of a single or multiple phases SumPhase(s,l,g) SumPhase(l)
will return the flow of the liquid phase only
will return the flow of the slurry (solid and liquid phases)
will return the entire flow
Individual Phase Flows The flow of a single individual phase or multiple individual phases SumIPhase(s,l,aq,o,g,...) SumIPhase(aq)
will return the flow of the aqueous phase
will return the flow of the slag phase
will return the flow of all liquid and aqueous species
----- Elemental Functions ----- Elemental flows are only valid in Mass or Molar views. Any calculations involving the elemental functions will not be shown in a volume view.
Elemental Molecular Weight Molecular weight of an element MW(Element) MW(Al) The molecular weight of ANY element can be accessed.
Elemental Phase Flows The flow of a single or multiple phases for a single element SumElemPhase(El,s,l,g) SumElemPhase(S,l)
will return the flow of Sulfur in the liquid phase only
will return the flow of Sulfur in the slurry (solid and liquid phases)
will return the entire flow of Sulfur
Elemental Individual Phase Flows The flow of a single individual phase or multiple individual phases for a single element SumElemIPhase(El,s,l,aq,o,g,...) SumElemIPhase(H,aq)
will return the flow of Hydrogen in the aqueous phase
will return the flow of the Hydrogen in the slag phase
will return the flow of Hydrogen in all liquid and aqueous species
----- General Constants -----
Standard Temperature The standard temperature in the project StdT(units) StdT(K) SI Units (K) is returned.
Standard Pressure The standard pressure in the project StdP(units) StdP(kPa) SI Units (kPa) is returned.
Normal Temperature The normal temperature in the project NormalT(units) NormalT(K) SI Units (K) is returned.
Normal Pressure The normal pressure in the project NormalP(units) NormalP(kPa) SI Units (kPa) is returned.
Project User Values The User Value entered in the project Val(index) Val(1) User value from the plant model is returned.
----- Environmental Functions -----
Ambient Temperature The ambient temperature as defined in the project AmbientT(units) AmbientT(K) SI Units (K) is returned.
Atmospheric Pressure The atmospheric pressure as defined in the project AtmP(units) AtmP(kPa) SI Units (kPa) is returned.
----- Calculations ----- Only visible if Species Calculations have been added.
User Defined Any previously defined Species Calculations can be used as part of a new calculation. The user defined calculation tags will be enclosed by square brackets. N/A TotalFe = [Fe2+] + [Fe3+] The user must have defined Fe2+ and Fe3+ for the example to be valid.
For example:
Fe2+ = [FeSO4(aq)] * MW(Fe)/MW(FeSO4(aq))
and Fe3+ = [Fe2[SO4]3(aq)] * 2 * MW(Fe)/MW(Fe2[SO4]3(aq))


  1. Function SumPhase() has only three valid phase occurrences: s, l, g.
  2. Function SumIPhase() may contain user defined individual phases. However, the phase description must match what has been defined in the species database. User must check the individual phase name is specified correctly. For example, if the organic species are specified with (o), then user can use SumIPhase(o) to sum up the total organics.