Solver Settings

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Menu Commands ➔ View ➔ Solver Settings

Project, Model and Solver Settings Simulation Modes and Solver Setup Solver Methodology, Convergence and Tolerance Solving Models
Project Settings Solver Settings Plant Model Constants Simulation Modes ProBal Setup Dynamic Setup Solver Status Solver Methodology Convergence Methods Tolerance Testing Evaluating Sub-Models Flash Train Mass & Energy Balance Referenced Variables Demand

Command Button: SolverSettingsButton.png
Command Path: View - Solver Settings
Alternate Method: Graphics Window right-click menu > View > Solver Settings

This opens the $Solver Access Window. The tab pages will change depending on if this is a Steady State (ProBal) or Dynamic project.

Steady State Solver Settings

For Steady State Projects, the following Tabs are available:

FS_Solver ProBal Convergence GlobalTear Tears TearTags Tolerances Analysis

Brief Summary:

  • FS_Solver Tab: For Threading and solver related command buttons.
  • Probal Tab: For setting solver start actions and closure tolerances.
  • Convergence: Displays the current convergence information.
  • GlobalTear: For defining Global Tear convergence method, tolerance settings.
  • Tears: Displays individual tear states, include current value and individual tear settings.
  • TearTags: Displays a list of Tear tags, showing the associated unit models.
  • TearStats: Displays individual tear counters and statistics.
  • Tolerances: Displays the tolerances for system and model solvers.
  • Analysis: For debugging purpose, used to narrow down problem areas of the project.

Dynamic Solver Settings

For Dynamic Projects, the following Tabs are available:

FS_Solver Dynamic Method Scenario Spills Vents SS Monitor SS Finder Convergence GlobalTear Tears TearTags Tolerances

Brief Summary:

  • FS_Solver Tab: For Threading and solver related command buttons.
  • Dynamic Tab: For simulation time information and Loading of a Historian tag list (for one trend page)
  • Method: For setting step size, solver method, network convergence and tolerance settings.
  • Scenario: For defining scenario, including run duration, start up options and so on.
  • Spills: For capturing spillage during the simulation.
  • Vents: For capturing gas venting from Tank (if a vent stream is not connected).
  • SS Monitor: Mainly used for monitoring projects that are set to run to steady state. User can defined convergence criteria to determine if the project has reached steady state.
  • SS Finder: User can set some criteria for the checking of Temperature, Pressure, Mass and MassFlow change in the project.
  • Convergence: Displays the current convergence information.
  • GlobalTear: For defining Global Tear convergence method, tolerance settings.
  • Tears: Displays individual tear states, include current value and individual tear settings.
  • TearTags: Displays a list of Tear tags, showing the associated unit models.
  • TearStats: Displays individual tear counters and statistics.
  • Tolerances: Displays the tolerances for system and model solvers.