Plant Model - Statistics

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ View ➔ Plant Model ➔ Statistics

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The Statistics tab page gives information on the solve time and speed. The Tags on the Statistics page are slightly different for Steady State and Dynamic projects, they will be documented in two separate tables:

The memory section is common to both Steady State and Dynamic Projects and is shown in a separate Memory Table after the Dynamic table.

Steady State Project Statistics

Tag (Long/Short) ID Description
Solver Iterations, Timer & Speed Statistics for the current RUN in terms of Elapsed time
Iterations (A) Displays the number of simulation iterations executed.
StartingTime (B) Displays the time taken during startup (i.e. before first iteration).
TotalIterTime (C) Displays the total time for all solver iterations.
StoppingTime (D) Displays the time taken during stopping (i.e. after last iteration while stopping).
SolveTime (=B+C+D) Displays the total amount of time to solve the model. (Starting time + Total time for iterations + Stopping time)
SolveTimeDescription / SolveTimeDesc Displays the total amount of time to solve the model as a text string. Format is as number of days and Hour:Minutes:Seconds:milliseconds.
PauseTime Displays the total amount of time the model was paused.
ItersPerSecond (=A/C) Displays the average number of iterations executed per second.
ItersPerMinute (=60*A/C) Displays the average number of iterations executed per Minute.
ExecTime.Total (F) Displays the total time taken to execute (solve) the models.
ExecTime.Iter (F) Displays the time taken to execute (solve) the models for the last completed iteration.
ExecTime.Average / Avg Displays the average time taken to execute (solve) the models per iteration.
ExecTime.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum time taken to execute (solve) the models for a single iteration.
ExecTime.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum time taken to execute (solve) the models for a single iteration.
IOTime.Total (G) Displays the total time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs.
IOTime.Iter (G) Displays the time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs for the last completed iteration.
IOTime.Average / Avg Displays the average time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs per iteration.
IOTime.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs for a single iteration.
IOTime.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs for a single iteration.
Time.Total (I=F+G) Displays the total solver time.
Time.Iter (I=F+G) Displays the total solver time for the last completed iteration.
Time.Average / Avg Displays the average solver time per iteration.
Time.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum solver time for a single iteration.
Time.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum solver time for a single iteration.
Processor Statistics
ProcessorUse.Iter Displays the fractional processor usage for the last completed iteration.
ProcessorUse.Average / Avg Displays the average fractional processor usage over all iterations.
ProcessorUse.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum fractional processor usage for a single iteration.
ProcessorUse.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum fractional processor usage for a single iteration.
Processor Use: (KernelTime + UserTime) / (ElapsedTime * NoProcessors)
SolverConvergence Displays the current convergence status as a text string.

Dynamic Project Statistics

Tag (Long/Short) ID Description
Solver Steps, Timer & Speed Statistics for the current RUN in terms of Elapsed time
Steps (A) Displays the number of simulation steps executed.
StartingTime (B) Displays the time taken during startup (i.e. before first step).
TotalStepTime (C) Displays the total time for all solver steps.
StoppingTime (D) Displays the time taken during stopping (i.e. after last step while stopping).
SolveTime (=B+C+D) Displays the total amount of time to solve the model. (Starting time + Total time for steps + Stopping time)
SolveTimeDescription / SolveTimeDesc Displays the total amount of time to solve the model as a text string. Format is as number of days and Hour:Minutes:Seconds:milliseconds.
TotalIdleTime Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the total amount of time the model was idle, i.e. model solved and waiting for time to catch up.
PauseTime Displays the total amount of time the model was paused.
StepsPerSecond (=A/C) Displays the average number of steps executed per second.
StepsPerMinute (=60*(A/C)) Displays the average number of steps executed per Minute.
ExecTime.Total (F) Displays the total time taken to execute (solve) the models.
ExecTime.Step (F) Displays the time taken to execute (solve) the models for the last completed step.
ExecTime.Average / Avg Displays the average time taken to execute (solve) the models per step.
ExecTime.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum time taken to execute (solve) the models for a single step.
ExecTime.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum time taken to execute (solve) the models for a single step.
IOTime.Total (G) Displays the total time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs.
IOTime.Step (G) Displays the time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs for the last completed step.
IOTime.Average / Avg Displays the average time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs per step.
IOTime.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs for a single step.
IOTime.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum time taken to analyse the Inputs and Outputs for a single step.
IdleTime.Total (H) Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the total idle time.
IdleTime.Step (H) Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the idle time for the last completed step.
IdleTime.Average / Avg Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the average idle time per step.
IdleTime.Minimum / Min Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the minimum idle time for a single step.
IdleTime.Maximum / Max Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the maximum idle time for a single step.
LagTime.Total Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the total lag time.
LagTime.Step Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the lag time for the last completed step.
LagTime.Average / Avg Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the average lag time per step.
LagTime.Minimum / Min Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the minimum lag time for a single step.
LagTime.Maximum / Max Only relevant for Real Time projects. Displays the maximum lag time for a single step.
Time.Total (I=F+G+H) Displays the total solver time.
Time.Step (I=F+G+H) Displays the total solver time for the last completed step.
Time.Average / Avg Displays the average solver time per step.
Time.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum solver time for a single step.
Time.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum solver time for a single step.
Iterations within Steps
Iterations.Total (J) Displays the total number of iterations required for all steps.
Iterations.Each Displays the total number of iterations required for the last completed step.
Iterations.Average / Avg (=J/A) Displays the average number of iterations required per step.
Iterations.PerSecond (=J/C) Displays the number of iterations per second.
Iterations.PerMinute (=60*(J/C)) Displays the number of iterations per minute.
Simulation Time Statistics
SimTime.Total Displays the total simulated time = number of steps * timestep.
SimTime.Each Displays the total simulated time for each step = timestep.
SimTime.Description / Desc Displays the total simulated time as a text string. Format is as number of days and Hour:Minutes:Seconds:milliseconds.
SimTime.SlowStep Only shown in Real Time projects. Indicates if the current step is a slow step, where the solver could not complete one timestep within the specified time.
SimTime.SlowSteps Only shown in Real Time projects. Displays the total number of Slow Steps so far in the run.
Processor Statistics
ProcessorUse.Step Displays the fractional processor usage for the last completed step.
ProcessorUse.Average / Avg Displays the average fractional processor usage over all steps.
ProcessorUse.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum fractional processor usage for a single step.
ProcessorUse.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum fractional processor usage for a single step.
Multiplier.Step Displays the simulation time relative to real time for the last completed step.
Multiplier.Average / Avg Displays the average simulation time relative to real time over all steps.
Multiplier.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum simulation time relative to real time for a single step.
Multiplier.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum simulation time relative to real time for a single step.
Loading.Step Displays the fraction of time the processor was busy for the last completed step.
Loading.Average / Avg Displays the average fraction of time the processor was busy over all steps.
Loading.Minimum / Min Displays the minimum fraction of time the processor was busy for a single step.
Loading.Maximum / Max Displays the maximum fraction of time the processor was busy for a single step.
Processor Use : (KernelTime + UserTime) / (ElapsedTime * NoProcessors)
Multiplier : StepSize / ElapsedTime : Simulation Time relative to Real Time
Loading : ElapsedTimeBusy / (ElapsedTimeBusy + ElapsedTimeIdle)

Memory Statistics

Tag (Long/Short) Description
PageFaultCount Page Fault Count
PeakWorkingSetSize Total memory (RAM) used by SysCAD.
WorkingSetSize / Memory.Used Total memory (RAM) used by SysCAD.
QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage
QuotaPagedPoolUsage Quota Paged Pool Usage
QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage Quota Peak NonPaged Pool Usage
QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage Quota NonPaged Pool Usage
PagefileUsage Pagefile Usage
PeakPagefileUsage Peak Pagefile Usage
Load Memory Load
TotalPhys Total Physical Memory
AvailPhys Available Physical Memory
TotalPageFile Total Page File
AvailPageFile Available Page File
TotalVirtual Total Virtual Memory
AvailVirtual Available Virtual Memory