Template:ChemApp DirectCalc OpMode

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| valign="top" rowspan="4" | OpMode|| AtTandP || The calculation is performed at the user specified Temperature and Pressure (T and P are entered on the DInput tab page). |- | Enthalpy CHEMAPP || The target variable is the Enthalpy of the final solution. ChemApp Enthalpy is maintained. |- | PhaseFormation || Available in full ChemApp only. The target variable is the amount of a particular phase present in the final solution. |- | PhasePrecipitation || Available in full ChemApp only. The target variable is the point of precipitation of a second phase from a single phase. For example, if you have a stream which is entirely gas phase, you can calculate the temperature at which a second phase starts to appear. |- | CalcEnthalpy || Tickbox || Only visible when OpMode = AtTandP. Whether to calculate ChemApp enthalpy. |- | dEnth.Reqd / dH.Reqd || Input || Only visible if OpMode = Enthalpy. The user specified target duty. |-

Phase List Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation or PhasePrecipitation. The user can select one phase from the list of all phases in the ChemApp database.

| MoleBasis || Tickbox || Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation. Selecting this tickbox allows user to specify the target mole flow. If this is not selected, then mass flow is used. |- | MassFlowReqd / QmReqd|| Input || Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation and MoleBasis = unticked. The user specified mass flow of the chosen phase/species that is to be formed. |- | MoleFlowReqd / QMlReqd || Input || Only visible if OpMode = PhaseFormation and MoleBasis = ticked. The user specified moles of the chosen phase/species that is to be formed. |-