Piping System Model

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Navigation: Models ➔ Pressure Changing Models ➔ Piping System Model

General Description

The Piping System Model is used in dynamic projects with Transfer mode. It allows the user emulate a full piping system, including Pumps, Valves, Pipe lengths, etc. in a single Piping System model. The user specifies the number and type of sub-units in the piping system and can configure each sub-unit individually. The user must configure the individual sub-units within the Piping System Model so that they comprise a reasonable system.

The piping system model calculates the pressure drop across each sub-unit, and hence across the entire system.

If required it will also calculate the estimated flow through the system, consistent with specified inlet and outlet pressures. This estimated flow can be used to set a Capacity Tag upstream of the Piping System inlet to make the inlet flow equal to the calculated flow.

The available sub-units in a Piping System Model are:

  • Head - Elevation Head - the head due to the height of the liquid at the start of the piping system;
  • Pipe - pipe lengths and fittings can be included - the pressure drop in the pipe due to change of height, friction losses, etc. will be calculated;
  • Orifice - pressure reduction / flow restriction.
  • Pump2 - pressure boost provided by a pump; and
  • Valve2 - pressure drop provided by a valve.


  1. If the flow entering the Piping System comes from a Tank with WithStaticHead selected, a Head sub-unit should not be selected.
  2. The Pump and the Valve have control settings that the user may dynamically change. These settings will change the calculated pressure drop of the system.
  3. The Piping System Model will NOT automatically adjust the flow, but can be set to calculate the estimated flow through the system. This estimate can then be used to set the actual flow in the system, if required.
  4. The Piping System Model is designed to emulate an entire piping length, without any split flows.
  5. The Piping System Model requires a single input and a single output and will not operate unless both of these streams are connected. The physical location of the connections is not important - the user may connect the streams to any position on the drawing.

Inputs and Outputs

Label Required
Number of Connections Description
Min Max
Input Required In 1 1 Input stream to Piping System Model.
Output Required Out 1 1 Output stream from Piping System Model.

Model Theory

For Valve and Pump theory please see:

Data Sections

The default access window consists of the following sections:

  1. PipingSystem tab - Allows the user to insert sub-units and displays the calculated results.
  2. Control tab - Allows the user to set any valve positions and Pump speeds.
  3. Settings tab - Allows the user to specify the sub-unit methods and enter the required data.
  4. QFeed - Available from Build 139. Optional tab, visible if ShowQFeed is enabled. This and subsequent tab pages, e.g. QFeed.. and Sp, shows the properties of the feed stream. The tags in the QFeed tab are valid even when the ShowQFeed option is not selected.
  5. QProd - Available from Build 139. Optional tab, visible if ShowQProd is enabled. This and subsequent tab pages, e.g. QProd.. and Sp, shows the properties of the product stream. The tags in the QProd tab are valid even when the ShowQProd option is not selected.
  6. Info tab - contains general settings for the unit and allows the user to include documentation about the unit and create Hyperlinks to external documents.
  7. Links tab, contains a summary table for all the input and output streams.
  8. Audit tab - contains summary information required for Mass and Energy balance. See Model Examples for enthalpy calculation Examples.

Piping System Page

Unit Type: PipingSystem - The first tab page in the access window will have this name.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
Tag Display This name tag may be modified with the change tag option.
Condition Display OK if no errors/warnings, otherwise lists errors/warnings.
ConditionCount Display The current number of errors/warnings. If condition is OK, returns 0.
GeneralDescription / GenDesc Display This is an automatically generated description for the unit. If the user has entered text in the 'EqpDesc' field on the Info tab (see below), this will be displayed here.
If this field is blank, then SysCAD will display the UnitType or SubClass.


On Tick Box This allows the user to disable the unit. If the unit is Off then the pressure drop across the unit = 0.

Options (Flow Estimate Calculations)

FlowEstimateMethod None The user does not wish to calculate the estimated of the flow through the unit. The pressure drop WILL be calculated. If this option is selected, no other options will be visible.
Simple The flow through the unit will be calculated with no time delays or transient effects. This is useful for short piping systems.
MaxiumFlowEstimate / QmMaxEst Input User estimate of the maximum flow rate through the Piping System. If no value is specified, 10000 t/h is used.
InletPressureMethod FeedPipePressure Inlet pressure to the Piping System is the exit pressure from the upstream Pipe.
Value User specified inlet pressure.
Tag Tag whose value is to be used as the inlet pressure
AtmosphericPressure Inlet pressure is the Project Atmospheric Pressure.
PressureIn.Val Input Visible if Value is the Inlet Pressure Method selected. The required inlet pressure.
PressureInTag Input Visible if Tag is the Inlet Pressure Method selected. The Tag from which the required inlet pressure is to be read.
PressureInTag.Meas Display Visible if Tag is the Inlet Pressure Method selected. The required inlet pressure read from the Tag.
OutletPressureMethod AtmosphericPressure Outlet pressure is the Project Atmospheric Pressure.
Value User specified outlet pressure.
Tag Tag whose value is to be used as the outlet pressure
PressureOut.Val Input Visible if Value is the Outlet Pressure Method selected. The required outlet pressure.
PressureOutTag Input Visible if Tag is the Outlet Pressure Method selected. The Tag from which the required outlet pressure is to be read.
PressureOutTag.Meas Display Visible if Tag is the Outlet Pressure Method selected. The required outlet pressure read from the Tag.
SetCapacity Tick Box The user may choose to set the inlet flow as the flow estimate by setting a Capacity Tag upstream of the Piping System inlet.
CapacityTag Input Visible if SetCapacity is ticked. The tag whose value is to be set to the flow estimate. This should be a Qm.Capacity tag in a Pipe or Tank.
CapacityTag.Meas Display Visible if SetCapacity is ticked. The required inlet flow, which should be equal to the QmEst value for the Piping System.
DampingRate Input Visible if User Damping is the Flow Estimate Method selected. The required amount of damping on the estimated flow. 0% represents no damping (changes are instantaneous - so equal to using Simple), and 99% represents large damping. CURRENTLY UNUSED.

Sub-unit Selection

Piping System2.png

SegmentCount Input The user may define the number of sub-units in the Piping System Model. For example, if a system consists of a Valve, Pump, Valve and pipe then the number of sub-units, or segments = 4.
ReNumber Button This re-numbers all of the sub-units so that they are all in ascending order.
Segment Specification
Type List The user may choose any of the sub-units that are available, i.e. Head, Pipe, Valve or Pump.
Insert Button The user may insert a new sub-unit above the current sub-unit. This will automatically increase the Segment Count. The default sub-unit that is inserted is a Pipe, but the user may change this by selecting any of the available sub-units from the drop down list.
Remove Button The user may remove the sub-unit from the Piping System Model. This will automatically decrease the Segment Count.
Up Button The user may move the current sub-unit up in the order of sub-units. The sub-unit number will NOT change, i.e. Pipe3 can be moved above Pipe1. The user may click on the ReNumber button to automatically number the sub-units in ascending order.
Down Button The user may move the current sub-unit down the order of sub-units. The sub-unit number will NOT change, i.e. Pipe1 can be moved below Pipe2. The user may click on the ReNumber button to automatically number the sub-units in ascending order.
ShowQFeedTickbox Available from Build 139. When selected, the QFeed and associated tab pages (e.g. Sp) will become visible, showing the properties of the feed stream. See Material Flow Section. Tags in the QFeed tab can be used for controllers (e.g.: PGM files) and reports even when this option is not selected.
ShowQProdTickbox Available from Build 139. When selected, the QProd and associated tab pages (e.g. Sp) will become visible, showing the properties of the product stream. See Material Flow Section. Tags in the QProd tab can be used for controllers (e.g.: PGM files) and reports even when this option is not selected.


Feed.MassFlow / Feed.Qm Display The mass flow through the Piping System Model.
Feed.Temperature / Feed.T Display The inlet temperature to the Piping System Model.
Feed.Pressure / Feed.P Display The inlet pressure to the Piping System Model.
Sub-unit(i).Po Calc The pressure from sub-unit(i), where this could be Head, Valve, Pump, orifice or Pipe. The pressure from each sub-unit will be displayed.
Prod.Pressure / Prod.P Calc The exit pressure from the Piping System Model.
Prod.Temperature / Prod.T Calc The exit temperature from the Piping System Model.
Work Calc The actual work done. Some segment type has work term (such as pump2).
HeatFlow Calc The total heat flow. Some segment types allow (such as pipe) allow heat flow to be added.
Sub-unit(i).PressChange / Sub-unit(i).dP Calc The pressure change across sub-unit(i), where this could be Head, Valve, Pump or Pipe. The pressure change across each sub-unit will be displayed.
PressChange / dP Calc The total pressure change across the Piping System Model.
PressDrop / PDrop Calc The pressure drop across the entire Piping System Model.
PressBoost / PBoost Calc The pressure boost across the entire Piping System Model.
Closed Tick Box If this is True, then a sub-unit, either a Valve or Pump, is set to 0% and is the flow estimate = 0.
Head Calc The calculated Head from the Piping System Model.
HeightChange Calc The calculated change in Height across the Piping System Model (-ve indicates a drop from Feed to Product)
Relative Heights
Feed Calc The relative height of the feed to the Piping System Model.
Sub-unit(i).Out Calc The relative height of sub-unit(i), where sub-unit can be Head or Pipe. All Head and Pipe sub-units will be displayed.
Prod Calc The relative height of the product of the Piping System Model.
Flow Estimate These fields are only visible if the user has selected a Flow Estimate method.
MassFlow / Qm Display The actual mass flow through the Piping System Model.
QmEstState Display The state of the Piping System Model estimate. This lets the user know what state the model is in, i.e. OK, No Flow, sub-units closed, etc.
ExtraTarget.Pi Calc Inlet pressure used in estimate
ExtraTarget.Po Calc Target outlet pressure Used in estimate
ExtraTarget.PressChange / ExtraTarget.dP Calc The extra pressure drop required IF the user has specified a Target Exit Pressure from the unit. (dPinValue - dPoutValue)
WeightedTotalK Calc The calculated resistance, or loss coefficient value, K, of the Piping System Model. (Sum of diameter weighted pipe K factors)
TotalHead.PressChange / TotalHead.dP Calc The total pressure change across the Piping System Model. (Due to static head (Head, Pipe) and Pump dP)
DiamUsed Calc The piping diameter used to calculate the velocity and estimated flow through the Piping System Model. (Reference diameter for weighting)
ZeroFlow.Po Calc Estimated outlet pressure at zero flow: static head + pump boost
MassFlowEst / QmEst Display The estimated mass flow through the Piping System Model.
VolFlowEst / QvEst Calc The estimated volumetric flow rate through the Piping System Model.
SystemHasCharacteristic Tick Box
SystemIsStable Tick Box


If the user selected either a Pump or a Valve as one of the sub-units and a controlled mode for either of these, then this tab will allow these units to be controlled.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
Segment xx (Valvex - Description)
Position.Reqd Input The required valve position. Normally this is any value between 0 and 100%. However, if the user has selected Operating type K Open Closed, then only 0 and 100% are allowed.
Position.Actual Display The actual valve position. This is normally equal to the required position. However, if the user has specified a stroke time, then the actual position will lag the required position by the stroke time.
Open Valve Button Clicking on this button will open the valve to 100%.
Close Valve Button Clicking on this button will close the valve to 0%.
Open Tick Box If this is True then the valve is Open.
Closed Tick Box If this is True then the valve is Closed.
Position.Changing Tick Box If this is True then the valve is moving.
Segment xx (Pumpx - Description)
Speed.Reqd Input The required Pump speed. Any value between 0 and 100%.
Speed.Actual Display The actual Pump speed. This is normally equal to the required speed. However, if the user has specified a stroke time, then the actual speed will lag the required speed by the stroke time.
RPM.Actual Display Visible when Settings tab - OpType = xxxx (Controlled) and WithRPM = on. The actual Pump speed in RPM.
Run Pump Button Clicking on this button will start the Pump at the required speed.
Stop Pump Button Clicking on this button will stop the pump (set the required speed to 0%).
Running Tick Box If this is True then the Pump is running.
RunningMax Tick Box If this is True then the Pump is running at 100%.
Stopped Tick Box If this is True then the Pump is stopped.
Position.Changing Tick Box If this is True then the Pump speed is changing. Visible as part of piping system.


The user must configure each sub-unit that is specified on the first tab.

Please see Valve Settings and Pump Settings for the configuration of the Valves and Pumps.

The settings for Heads and Pipes are described below.

Tag (Long/Short) Input / Calc Description/Calculated Variables / Options
On Tick Box This allows the user to disable the Head. If the Head is Off then Head = 0.
EquipID Input This field is optional. The user may type in an unique ID for this, example Head Tank.
Height / H Input The actual Elevation Head required. This calculates the pressure boost due to elevation as material enters the Piping System.
On Tick Box This allows the user to disable the Pipe. If the Pipe is Off then pressure drop across the pipe = 0.
EquipID Input This field is optional. The user may type in an unique ID for the Pipe.
OpType Fixed dP The user specifies a fixed pressure change across the Pipe. This will be independent of flow.
Fixed Drop The user specifies a fixed pressure drop across the Pipe. This will be independent of flow.
Fixed Boost The user specifies a fixed pressure boost across the Pipe. This will be independent of flow.
Darcy Use the Darcy equation to calculate pressure drop. With this method pressure drop is a function of flow.
DeltaHeight / dH Input The required height difference between the pipe entry and exit. A negative values indicates that the exit is lower than the entry.
Fixed dP Fixed Drop and Fixed Boost - The following field is visible for these three modes.
Fixed.dP/Drop/Boost Input The required pressure change, drop or boost (depending on the mode selected) across the Pipe.
Darcy The following fields are visible with this mode.
Diameter / Diam Input The required internal pipe diameter.
ScaleBuildup / Scale Input The required scale build up thickness in the pipe. Note, this values will be multiplied by 2 and then used to decrease the actual internal diameter of the Pipe.
MinorK Input The K value for any fittings on the pipe.
KMethod User Pipe K The user specifies a K value for the pipeline.
Length and Friction F The user specifies the pipe length and a friction factor. SysCAD will then calculate the equivalent K value.
Length, Colebrook FricF The user specifies the pipe length, Viscosity and roughness. SysCAD will then calculate the friction factor using the Colebrook equation.
Length, Churchill FricF The user specifies the pipe length, Viscosity and roughness. SysCAD will then calculate the friction factor using the Churchill equation.
User Pipe K The following field is visible if this method is chosen.
UserPipeK Input The required K value for the Pipe.
The following 2 fields are visible for the other methods.
Length / L Input The required Pipe Length.
FittingsLength / FitL Input The equivalent pipe fittings Length.
Please do not include a value here for fittings if they are already included under MinorK.
Length and Friction F The following field is visible for this method.
UserFricFactor / UserFricF Input The required friction factor.
Length, Churchill and Colebrook Friction Factor The following fields are visible for both of these methods.
Viscosity Input The viscosity of the material flowing through the pipe.
Roughness Input The roughness of the pipe.
On Tick Box This allows the user to disable the valve. If the valve is Off then the pressure drop across the valve = 0.
EquipID Input This field is optional. The user may type in an unique ID for the valve.
There are two different operating classes of valve:
  1. Simple Valves - these are always 100% open and have no control mechanism.
  2. Controlled Valves - these can be opened and closed by the user and the pressure drop changes based on the valve opening.
OpType Fixed Drop (Simple) The user may specify a fixed pressure drop across the valve.
Fixed ExitP (Simple) The user may specify a fixed exit pressure from the valve.
Fixed AtmosP (Simple) The exit pressure from the valve = atmospheric pressure.
dP Prop to mass Flow (Simple) The pressure drop across the valve will be proportional to the mass flow through the valve. The user may NOT set the valve position if this operating mode is used, as the mass flow is the only variable used to calculate pressure drop.
Cv Lookup (Controlled) Use Cv values to calculate the pressure drop across the valve, based on the user defined valve position.
dP Prop to Posn (Controlled) The pressure drop across the valve will be proportional to the user defined position of the valve.
K Open Closed (Controlled) The user defines the K value for the 100% open valve. This type of valve may either be fully open (100%) or fully closed (0%) and no other position.
Fixed Drop (Simple) The following field is visible with this mode.
FixedDrop Input The required pressure drop when the valve is in the fully open position.
Fixed ExitP (Simple) The following field is visible with this mode.
FixedP Input The required outlet pressure from the valve in the fully open position.
dP prop to MassFlow (Simple) The following 3 fields are visible with this mode.
PressDrop.NoFlow Input The required pressure drop when there in no flow through the valve.
PressDrop.NominalFlow Input The required pressure drop when there is nominal flow (specified below) through the valve.
NominalFlow Input The nominal flow through the valve. Used for the pressure drop calculations.
dP Proportional to Position (Controlled) The following 2 fields are visible with this mode.
PressDrop.Open Input The required pressure drop when the valve is in the fully open position.
PressDrop.Closed Input The required pressure drop when the valve is in the fully closed position.
K Open Closed (Controlled) The following 2 fields are visible with this mode.
Diameter Input The required diameter of the valve.
UserValveK Input The required K value of the valve in the fully open position.
Cv Lookup (Controlled) The following fields are visible with this mode.
Diameter Input The diameter of the entry pipe into the valve.
MinorK Input The K value for the minor pressure losses into and out of the valve.
(see Model Theory)
Single Point In this case a single coefficient is specified, corresponding to the flow for the valve fully open. For a partially open valve, the flow coefficient is just scaled proportionally.
2pts (100% interval) Provide a Cv for the valve in the fully closed and fully open positions and assume the Cv varies linearly between these values.
3pts (50% interval) Provide Cv values for the valve for 0, 50 and 100% positions.
5pts (25% interval) Provide Cv values for the valve at 25% intervals.
11pts (10% interval) Provide Cv values for the valve at 10% intervals.
Quadratic If the variation of Cv with open area is quadratic then you can specify a single Cv (fully open) and the actual Cv will be calculated using the quadratic equation given in Model Theory.
Angle Provide Cv values at 10 degree intervals for 0 (CV01, fully closed) to CV10 (90 degrees, fully open).
Cv00.. Input Depending on the Cv Lookup option chosen above, this may be a single field, or up to 11 fields for the user to enter the Cv values for the valve.
LinearInterpolate Tick Box This option is only visible if the user chooses 3, 5 or 11 points. If this is enabled then the model will interpolate linearly between the individual points.
Stroke Times The following fields are visible if dP proportional to Position or Cv Lookup are chosen.
StrokeTimeMode None The actual valve position will move to the required position with no delay time.
Single Stroke Time There will be a fixed delay between setting the required valve position and when the actual valve position reaches the required position.
Open/Close Stroke Time The delay between setting the required valve position and when the actual valve position reaches the required position will be different for opening and closing settings.
StrokeTime Input The required delay between setting the required valve position and when the actual valve position reaches the required position. Visible if Single Stroke Time is selected.
OpenStrokeTime Input The required delay between setting the required valve position and when the actual valve position reaches the required position, if the valve is opening. Visible if Open/Close Stroke Time is selected.
CloseStrokeTime Input The required delay between setting the required valve position and when the actual valve position reaches the required position, if the valve is closing. Visible if Open/Close Stroke Time is selected.
On Tick Box This allows the user to disable the Pump. If the Pump is Off then the pressure boost from the Pump = 0.
EquipID Input This field is optional. The user may type in an unique ID for the Pump.
ProcessType Isentropic Process Pressure change across the pump is a nominally isentropic process.
Isothermal Process Pressure change across the pump is a nominally isothermal process.
EffIsen Input Visible only if ProcessType selected is Isentropic Process - Ratio of enthalpy change for isentropic process to actual enthalpy change.
EffIso Input Visible only if ProcessType selected is Isothermal Process - Ratio of enthalpy change for isothermal process to actual enthalpy change.
There are two different operating modes for the Pump:
  1. Simple Pumps - these are fixed speed pumps and the user has no control over the speed.
  2. Controlled Pumps - the Pump speed may be changed by the user and the pressure boost changes based on the Pump speed.
OpType Fixed Boost (Simple) The user may specify a fixed pressure boost from the Pump.
Fixed ExitP (Simple) The user may specify a fixed exit pressure from the Pump.
Fixed AtmosP (Simple) The exit pressure from the Pump = atmospheric pressure.
Boost Prop to mass Flow (Simple) The pressure boost from the Pump will be proportional to the mass flow through the Pump. The user may NOT set the Pump speed if this operating mode is used, as the mass flow is the only variable used to calculate pressure boost.
Fixed Head (Simple) The user may specify a fixed head from the Pump.
Boost prop to Speed (Controlled) The pressure boost from the Pump will be proportional to the user defined speed.
Head prop to Speed (Controlled) The head from the Pump will be proportional to the user defined speed.
There are several different methods for specifying Pump curves. The curves are specified for maximum pump speed and will be modified for speeds less than the maximum.
OpType Simple Quadratic (Controlled) The user may specify Pump head at zero flow and Pump flow at zero head. A monotonic decreasing curve will be fitted to these points.
Points Quadratic (Controlled) The user may specify Pump head at zero flow, runout flow rate (maximum safe flow rate) and Pump head at runout flow rate and at half of the runout flow rate.
Points Cubic (Controlled) The user may specify Pump head at zero flow, runout flow rate (maximum safe flow rate) and Pump head at runout flow rate, one third of the runout flow rate and two thirds of the runout flow rate.
User Cubic (Controlled) The user may specify Pump head at zero flow and coefficient value for terms in the flow, square of the flow rate and cube of the flow rate.
Positive Displacement (Controlled)) The user may specify maximum flow at full speed, maximum head, and other ratios.
Fixed Boost (Simple) The following field is visible with this mode.
FixedBoost Input The required pressure boost when the Pump is running.
Fixed ExitP (Simple) The following field is visible with this mode.
FixedP Input The required outlet pressure from the Pump when it is running.
Boost prop to MassFlow (Simple) The following 3 fields are visible with this mode.
PressBoost.NoFlowPBoost Input The required pressure boost when there in no flow through the Pump.
PressBoost.NominalFlow Input The required pressure boost when there is nominal flow (specified below) through the Pump.
NominalFlow Input The nominal flow through the Pump. Used for the pressure boost calculations.
Fixed Head (Simple) The following field is visible with this mode.
FixedHead Input The required pressure Head when the Pump is running.
Boost Proportional to Speed (Controlled) The following 2 fields are visible with this mode.
PressBoost.Running Input The required pressure boost when the Pump is running at 100%.
PressBoost.Stopped Input The required pressure boost when the Pump is stopped.
Head Proportional to Speed (Controlled) The following 2 fields are visible with this mode.
Head.Running Input The required head when the Pump is running at 100%.
Head.Stopped Input The required head when the Pump is stopped.
Simple Quadratic (Controlled) The following fields are visible with this mode.
CutOffHead Input The Pump head at zero flow.
A1, A2, A3 Result Calculated coefficients of the general cubic pump curve. A0 is the cut off head.
ZeroHeadFlow Input The Pump flow rate at zero head.
Points Quadratic (Controlled) The following fields are visible with this mode.
UnstableOK Tick Box The user inputs may generate a Pump curve which is unstable: that is, the head initially increases from the cut off value as flow increases from zero. Tick if this behaviour is as required
CutOffHead Input The Pump head at zero flow.
A1, A2, A3 Result Calculated coefficients of the general cubic pump curve. A0 is the cut off head.
ZeroHeadFlow Result The Pump flow rate at zero head, calculated from input data.
HalfFlowHead Input The Pump head at half of the run out flow.
RunOutHead Input The Pump head at the run out flow. This may be greater than zero.
RunOutFlow Input The Pump maximum safe flow rate.
Points Cubic (Controlled) The following fields are visible with this mode.
UnstableOK Tick Box The user inputs may generate a Pump curve which is unstable: that is, the head initially increases from the cut off value as flow increases from zero. Tick if this behaviour is as required
CutOffHead Input The Pump head at zero flow.
A1, A2, A3 Result Calculated coefficients of the general cubic pump curve. A0 is the cut off head.
ZeroHeadFlow Result The Pump flow rate at zero head, calculated from input data.
OneThirdFlowHead Input The Pump head at one third of the run out flow.
TwoThirdsFlowHead Input The Pump head at two thirds of the run out flow.
RunOutHead Input The Pump head at the run out flow. This may be greater than zero.
RunOutFlow Input The Pump maximum safe flow rate.
User Cubic (Controlled) The following fields are visible with this mode.
UnstableOK Tick Box The user inputs may generate a Pump curve which is unstable: that is, the head initially increases from the cut off value as flow increases from zero. Tick if this behaviour is as required
CutOffHead Input The Pump head at zero flow
A1, A2, A3 Input User Calculated coefficients of the general cubic pump curve. A0 is the cut off head. The values of the coefficient must be such that the curve has exactly one positive real root.
ZeroHeadFlow Result The Pump flow rate at zero head, calculated from input data.
RunOutHead Input The Pump head at the run out flow. This may be greater than zero.
RunOutFlow Input The Pump maximum safe flow rate. This should exceed the calculated zero head flow rate.
Positive Displacment (Controlled) The following fields are visible with this mode.
MaxHead Input The Pump maximum head.
MaxFlow Result The Pump maximum flow rate at maximum speed
MaxVolEff Input Max volumetric efficiency.
MaxSlip Result The Pump maximum slip, which the difference between the zero head flow rate and the maximum head flow rate.
CutOffSpeed Result The Pump minimum operating speed as a percentage of the pump maximum speed.
With RPM The following fields are visible if this tick box is enabled.
RPM.Running Input The speed of the Pump in RPM for the values defined by the user (at 100%).
RPM.Stopped Input The speed of the Pump in RPM when the pump is at 0%.
Stroke Times The following fields are visible if a Controlled mode is chosen.
StrokeTimeMode None The actual Pump Speed will change to the required speed with no delay time.
Single Stroke Time There will be a fixed delay between setting the required Pump speed and when the Pump reaches the required speed.
Open/Close Stroke Time The delay between setting the required Pump speed and when the Pump reaches the required speed will be different for starting and stopping settings.
StrokeTime Input The required delay between setting the required Pump speed and when the Pump reaches the required speed. Visible if Single Stroke Time is selected.
OpenStrokeTime Input The required delay between setting the required Pump speed and when the Pump reaches the required speed, if the Pump is starting. Visible if Open/Close Stroke Time is selected.
CloseStrokeTime Input The required delay between setting the required Pump speed and when the Pump reaches the required speed, if the Pump is stopping. Visible if Open/Close Stroke Time is selected.
On Tick Box This allows the user to disable the Orifice. If the Orifice is Off then dP= 0.
EquipID Input This field is optional. The user may type in an unique ID for the Orifice.
OpType User K Value The user specifies a fixed K value
K0 value per BS1042 Uses KO value as per BS1042, Methods for the Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes Part 1 - Orifice Plates, Nozzles and Venturi Tubes.
Plate modelled as orifice plate, returns K value
Nozzle modelled as flow nozzle, returns K value
Square Edge modelled as Square Edge orifice, returns K value
Round Edge modelled as Round Edge orifice, returns K value
Diameter / Diam Input The required pipe inside diameter.
OrificeDiameter / OrifDiam Input The orifice diameter.
DiameterRatio/Beta Input The ratio of orifice diameter / pipe inside diameter.
MinorK Input K factor for fittings
UserValveK Input Visible with OpType = User K Value. The K value for the orifice.
Viscosity Input The viscosity of the material flowing through the Orifice.

Adding this Model to a Project

Add to Configuration File

Sort either by DLL or Group:

Units/Links Piping: Piping System
or Group:
Mass Transfer
Units/Links Piping: Piping System

See Model Selection for more information on adding models to the configuration file.

Insert into Project Flowsheet

  Insert Unit Piping Piping System

See Insert Unit for general information on inserting units.

Example - Entering Elevation Information

Piping System.png
  • Feed_Tank - Assume at 0 m elevation
  • Feed_Pump - Piping System : Seg08 (Pipe8 - Pipe to Head tank) has delta height (dH) of 15 m
Piping System2.png
  • Head_tank - Assume at 15 m elevation (tank height 2m) - NOTE that we can't enter an elevation for the tank here, so we need to provide the information in the next unit where the change of height occurs.
  • FCV_001 - Piping System : Flow control valve to Area1 (See first picture above)
    • Head - 16.7m (this reflects the elevation head from head_tank, assuming tank is 85% full ) - this will calculate the pressure at the start of the FCV_001 piping system.
    • Destination elevation is 5m higher