File Transfers (Basecamp)

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There are typically two types of downloading that SysCAD users routinely perform.

This page is for Basecamp File Sharing Site.

SysCAD clients have access to our Basecamp file sharing site,


The Basecamp site allows SysCAD projects and other related files to be uploaded and downloaded by SysCAD support Team and SysCAD users.

Each SysCAD user has their own unique login to the Basecamp site for file sharing, which is different to their login for software download.

Upload Files

To upload files:

  1. Login to Basecamp
  2. Select the project you wish to upload to (some users have access to multiple projects)
  3. From the Overview tab page, select New File button.png on the right hand side, or from the Files tab page, press the Upload file button.png button on the right hand side.
    Upload file2.png
  4. Press the Choose File button.png button to browse for the first file to be downloaded. Once you have selected the file, press Open.
  5. Select the file category from the drop-down list (Documents, Project or Software)
  6. Describe the file to be uploaded
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until all files to be uploaded have been chosen.
  8. Tick the boxes next to the people you wish to be notified that these files have been uploaded. Include "Support" if uploading a project for SysCAD support purposes.
  9. Press the Upload the file button.png button to commence the upload. Do not sign out of Basecamp until the upload is complete.

Download Files

To download files:

  1. Click on the link in the email you received and you will be requested to login to Basecamp. Once you have logged in, the download will commence.
  2. Do not close your browser until the download is complete.

Alternatively, if you didn't receive an email:

  1. Login to Basecamp
  2. Select the project you wish to download from (some users have access to multiple projects)
  3. From the Overview tab page, select file you wish to download. The download will commence.
  4. Repeat step 3 until all files to be downloaded have been chosen.
  5. Do not sign out of Basecamp until all downloads are complete.