Solver Setting - Dyn

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Navigation: User Guide ➔ Menu Commands ➔ View ➔ Solver Settings ➔ Dynamic

SS Only Dynamic Mode Only
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Related Links: Solver Setting - SS Monitor, Solver Setting - SS Finder

The Dynamic tab page lists the simulation time information as well as allows the user to load in a historian tag list.

Tag (Long/Short)

Input / Calc


Current Simulated Date and Time
Time.Fmt Display Formatted version of the current simulated Simulation Time.
Time Display The current simulated Simulation Time as a number. Note that zero time reference is 1/1/1970
Simulated Date & Time broken down into components
mSecs Display Displays the current simulation time "Milliseconds" segment
Secs Display Displays the current time simulation "Seconds" segment
Mins Display Displays the current time simulation "Minutes" segment
Hours Display Displays the current time simulation "Hours" segment
Days Display Displays the number of days (using time reference of 1/1/1970) for the current simulation time
TimeIntoDay Display Displays the time passed into the current day (ignoring milliseconds). Equal to Hours*3600 + Mins*60 + Secs.
Day Display Displays the current simulation date "Day" Segment. For example, if the current date is 28-05-2007, it will display 28 here.
Month Display Displays the current simulation date "Month" Segment. For example, if the current date is 28-05-2007, it will display 5 here.
Year Display Displays the current simulation date "Year" Segment. For example, if the current date is 28-05-2007, it will display 2007 here.
DayOfWeek(1=Sunday) Display Displays the current date as in Day of the week. For example, if the current date is 28-05-2007, which is a Monday, it will display 2 here. A Calendar look-up is used to find the day of the week.
DayOfWeekDescription Display Displays the current date as in Day of the week. For example, if the current date is 28-05-2007, it will display Monday here.
DayOfYear Display Displays the current simulation's date as number of days in the year.
MonthDescription Display Displays the current date in terms of month. For example, if the current date is 28-05-2007, it will display May here.
DaysInMonth Display Displays the number of days in the current month. For example, if the current date is 28-05-2007, it will display 31 here.
DaysInYear Display Displays the number of days in the current Year. For example, if the current date is 28-05-2007, 365.
NextDateRec... (The following variables are very useful to use in the Archiver Report for Trigger tests. Also useful in PGM files to overcome the one iteration behind problem.)
Day Display Displays the simulation date for the next iteration - "Day" Segment. For example, if the date for the next iteration is 29-05-2007, it will display 29 here.
Month Display Displays the simulation date for the next iteration - "Month" Segment. For example, if the date for the next iteration is 29-05-2007, it will display 5 here.
Year Display Displays the simulation date for the next iteration - "Year" Segment. For example, if the date for the next iteration is 29-05-2007, it will display 2007 here.
DayOfWeek(1=Sunday) Display Displays the simulation date for the next iteration as in Day of the week. For example, if the date for the next iteration is 29-05-2007, which is a Tuesday, it will display 3 here.
Options for Setting Date & Time at project load
Method Project This option allows the user to set the simulation date & time at project load. If "Project" method is selected, then the saved project time will be used.
Historian If the "Historian" method is selected, then the historian time will be used on project load. This could be different to the saved project time as historian time advances during project run, even if the project was not saved after project run.
Project.Time.Fmt Display Formatted version of the saved project simulated time.
Project.Time Display The saved project simulated time as a number. Note that zero-time reference is 1/1/1970
Historian.Time.Fmt Display Formatted version of the project simulated time recorded by the historian.
Historian.Time Display The project simulated time recorded by the historian displayed as a number. Note that zero-time reference is 1/1/1970
Options for Steady State Analysis
SSM.On Tickbox This adds the SS Monitor Tab, which is used to monitor selected variables' approach to Steady State
SSF.On Tickbox This adds the SS Finder Tab, which is used to find Steady State solutions based on user defined tests.
Options for setting tag list for Historian
Folder Display The path of the Historian Tag List
File Input User can specify all the Historian Tags on a List (Text file) and load it into SysCAD here.
Edit Button User can edit the Historian Tags List
Browse Button User can browse for the Historian Tag List
SetTagList Set Now Button Adds the tags to the SysCAD Historian.

NOTE: The first line in the Historian Tag list is ignored, user can place heading or comments there. The tags to be loaded starts from Line 2 of the file.

Example Historian Tag List file:

Tag for Historian
MULTI_STORE.Summary.[0].Mt (t)
MULTI_STORE.Summary.[1].Mt (t)
MULTI_STORE.Summary.[2].Mt (t)
P100.Qm (t/h)
P101.Qm (t/h)
P102.Qm (t/h)