Set A Table of Values Using Matrix Class 9.3

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PGM FILE - Setting the Feeder Size Distribution using Linear Interpolation

This Example shows how to set a table of values (saved in a CSV file) to SysCAD at the start of the project.

This example is used to define size distribution data in a Feeder, using the linear interpolation method. The data is saved in a csv file, and loaded into SysCAD at the start of the project.

Please note that this file only sets one compound with size data.

;--- SysCAD General Controller (PGM) file ---
; Revision: 1     Date: 25/03/2015    Author: Kenwalt  Updated to SysCAD 9.3 Syntax and Format.

;--- variable declarations ---
MATRIX  SizeData
STRING  Feed_Tag*{Tag}
LONG    RowCount@, ColCount@
BIT     MatrixOK@
BYTE    i, j
REAL    SizeIndex, SizeFraction

Sub PreStart()
	;Loads in the size data for Linear Interpolation
	MatrixOK = SizeData.Load("$Prj\SizeData.csv")
	RowCount = SizeData.GetRowCount()
	ColCount = SizeData.GetColCount()
	;Sets the number of datapoints
	[Concatenate(Feed_Tag,".Content.DSz.Fit.PointCount")] = RowCount 

Sub InitialiseSolution()
	i = 0
	While i <= RowCount-1
		SizeIndex = SizeData.GetAt(i,0)
		;Sets each size based on the linear interpolation data
		[Concatenate(Feed_Tag,".Content.DSz.Fit.Sz", IntToStr(i+1)," (um)")] = SizeIndex
		i = i + 1
	j = 0
	While j <= RowCount-1
		SizeFraction = SizeData.GetAt(j,1)
		;Sets each size fraction based on the linear interpolation data
		[Concatenate(Feed_Tag,".Content.DSz.Fit.I0.", IntToStr(j+1)," (%)")] = SizeFraction  
		j = j + 1

$  ; --- end of file ---
