Defining a Function

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Functions Subroutines Classes
Defining a Function Predefined Functions Tag Functions Mathematical Functions String Functions Defining a Subroutine Trigger Subroutines Defining a Class


A function is a set of common tasks that can be defined once and called multiple times from within a PGM.

  • A function is very similar to a subroutine. In many instances, either could be used.
  • A subroutine can be used instead of a function if a value does not need to be returned.
  • If a value does need to be returned then a function will need to be used.


Function functName(argument list)
   Return value
StrFunction functName(argument list)
  Return string value

functName : unique name of the function, used to refer to the function.
argument list : optional list of parameters in the following format : (datatype parameterName, datatype parameterName, etc.)

  • The function declaration must begin with the Function or StrFunction keyword and end with the EndFunct keyword.
  • Use StrFunction if the function is going to return a string and Function if the function is going to return a numerical value.
  • The parameter list cannot include instance of classes or variables passed by reference.
  • Empty parentheses must be inserted, if no parameters are required by the function.
  • A function may call itself (i.e. recursive functions are allowed). However, a true stack of the function variables is not used.
  • Every possible execution path must use Return to ensure that the function is exited correctly.
  • Local variables can be declared within the function, and their scope is limited to the function. However when a function calls itself recursively a local stack is not used.
  • Any Const variable declared in a function is added to the global scope and is accessible outside of the function. A constant is not limited to the scope of the function.
  • Function definitions cannot be nested (i.e. functions cannot be defined within functions).

Examples and Use

Function Examples

Number Defining the Function Calling the Function
Example 1
Function HoursToMinutes(Real timeInHours)
  Return timeInHours*60
Real 	TimeInMinute@
TimeInMinute = HoursToMinutes(3)
Example 2
Array c5
;this function initialises the array
function SetupArray()
  if (c5.Load("array.csv")) ;attempt to load the array from a file
    LogNote("loaded array")
    c5.SetLen(Max(c5.GetLen(),3)) ;ensure the array has at least three elements
    return 0 ;exit function
  c5.SetLen(6) ;set the length of the array
  c5.SetAll(1) ;set all the elements of the array to 1
  return 0
Sub InitialiseSolution() 
  SetupArray() ;array gets setup when run is pressed or PGM is reloaded
Example 3
;this function places a random number in each element of the array
function RndLoop(byte Cnt)
  while (Cnt>0)
    Cnt = Cnt - 1
    c5.SetAt(Cnt, random(10) - 5) ;set the specified element in the array
  return 0
if (Random(100)<10)
  RndLoop(c5.GetLen()) ;a ten percent chance that the function will be called
  c5.SetAt(0, c5.GetAt(1) * c5.GetAt(2)) ;set c5[0] = c5[1]*c5[2]
Example 4
StrFunction MakeTag(Str Prefix, long No)
  return Concatenate(Prefix, "_", IntStr(No, 0))
Str s1*
s1 = MakeTag("P", 3)

Examples: Mathematical Function Examples, String Function Examples, Example PGM Files